Sky, Excellent, Precious, Prestige (Daughter of abu Bakr), A high status girl
Patient, Tolerant, A woman who is patient and eduring
Adept, Expert
A Yakshini is the female counterpart of the male Yaksha, And they both attend to Kubera
Goddess Saraswati, The one who has a swan as her vehicle, Hindu Goddess Saraswathi
Goddess Lakshmi, Wealth, Unreality, Compassion, Sympathy, An unreal or illusory image, Name of mother of Buddha, Prakriti, Affection, An epithet of Lakshmi, Art, Wisdom, One of the nine shaktis of Vishnu, Uncertain, Perhaps Mother or Great One, Illusion, Imaginative, Magical
A fair woman, Goddess Parvati, White, Fair, Beautiful, Brilliant, Another name for the earth, Fair, White, One of many names of Goddess Parvathi
Afareen is a Persian name for girls, sometimes also used for Boys, that means "to praise", "to give thanks", "to congratulate", it is also an expression of praise and gratitude
Goddess of wealth or Goddess Laxmi or fortunate
A combination of the names Ray and Anna
Religious women, Courteous, Polite, Simple, Loyal, Decent, Worthy, Chaste, Devout worthy
Name of a pious woman, Name of a pious woman
Sweet sound of bangles, Miner, Digger, Mouse
Prettiest face on the Moon, Bright star, Something as beautiful as moon. Something that we can compare to the elegant beauty of moon.
Devotee of Lord Krishna, One who is devoted to Lord Krishna
Somebody who gives shelter, Goddess Lakshmi, Somebody who gives shelter, who is selfless
Favor, Grace, A divine person, full of grace
Creative, one who glows with intelligence
Whom God spoke of, An alluring and pure name which means it's promised by the God and carries his integrity
Patience, Bold
Knowledgeable, Wise one, Valuable, clever mind or glowing.
Union of matter and soul, Non duality, Unique, who has no other like her
Sweet person, Sweet, Surgery, Sweet, Sweet person, Its a Bengali name signifying a cute, lovable and sweet person
Famous or glorious, Yashmita was the name of Lord Krishna's foster mother.
The mirror, mirror
Spiritual, Sacred, Divine, A spiritual, divine person
Goddess Durga, A wife, The Goddess of fortune, Good luck, Riches, Splendor, Vermillion, Red earth, Name of An Apsara, Epithet of Mahalakshmi, A woman, A woman who is like a white antalope
Sanvi or Goddess Lakshmi
Gift from God, Gift of God. Such people know how to deal with their life and what they have to do. They are nice and unselfish.
Dee means Goddess Durga her means Shiv, Strength of Lord Shiva, One who has strength of Durga and Shiva
The sign of the zodiac, Collection, Collection, Cluster of celestial star positions signifying good luck and fortune
Intention or wish
Worshipped, Blessing of Lord Ganesh
Goddess Lakshmi, Grahati is the name of God lakshmi. God lakshmi is the god of money.
Idol, Mentor, With An ideology, aadarsha signifies to a person(female) who is ideal, optimal, perfect
Gift of God, Beautiful
Joy, Of truth, Generous, A small flowing river or stream, Truthful, Kind Hearted, Generous, One with a kind and generous heart, A compassionate person
Goddess Durga, Goddess Devi
Fresh water, Green water
Treasure of prosperity, Goddess Lakshmi
The Moon, A tribal name meaning the Moon
The day of the full Moon in the month of Shraavan, Aspirant, Flow, Born in the month of Shravan
Goddess Durga, The daughter of Daksh, Name of daughter of Daksha
Leader, One who is born to be a leader
Kindness, Goddess, A Goddess, one who rules
Full of Joy, Mountain strength, Ireland, Peace, Sunray, the one having Mountain like strength
Beauty, Lucky
Like doll, Gift of God, a blessing
Female friend, A flower, Japanese name meaning paint
Arising. the raised one, One who is on the rise
Hebrew - God Beholds, Foresight, God's Gift, God's Grace, A variant form is Jessi
Gift of Love, One who carry the important message of the God
The polar star, Constant, Faithful, Firm
Very special
To have conversations at night
aalina has a greek origin which means Light
Eternal, Immortal, Indestructible, Goddess Parvati
Goddess of good wishes, Intelligence, an intelligent and smart woman.
Name of a tree, A woman of the stars
Father in rejoicing
New bright light.aries sign, Name of a month, Aries sign
Someone who is worthy and suitable. Also, a beloved friend.
Means first five amazing letters of alphabet
The girl who possess calmness in her eyes...and has the capacity to express her feelings through her eyes
Good, One who is most beautiful, Good
a feminized form of the name Eric meaning someone who rules the world.
Moonlight, Moon, Kairavi means Moonlight
Tender, Beautiful, Delicate, Gentle, Soft, Sweet, Komal means Tender, Soft
Is associated to Lord venkateswara, Goddess Parvati
Conceived in the mind, Intellect, Mind, Heart, Born in the mind, A creative person who creates with her mind
Lustrous or bright or radiant or intelligent, Brave, Powerful, Celebrated, Energetic, Noble, Brilliant, Radiant, intellegent
Sun goddess, or woman of the great hall
Like Paris, Fairy or like a fairy, Beautiful
Descendant from Puru, Daughter of the mountain, One of the many names of Goddess Saraswati,
One with long life, Long-lived, Age: One who lives a long life
Divine good
Name of a great king in Hindu mythology
Mother of the gods, Liberty, Perfection, Creativity, Freedom, Safety, Abundance, The Hindu deity of sky and fertility
Success, Yash ko prapth karne Wali, Successful, brave and intelligent lady.
Enthusiastic, Talented person, Like to live with good characters, They dont fear for anything, Successive person & angry when irritated
Jain variation of Disha. It means direction or side.
Daughter, Born of the body
Kaprisha means Whim
Courtesy of God, One who is kind and graceful
Prophet mohammeds (Pbuh) wife, Pretty, The name of Prophet Mohammed's wife.
Light, Knowledge, Pleasure, Brilliance, Fire, Acquisition
A classical melody, From the east, A classical melody, A variant form of Poorva
Daughter, Born of the body, Son, Daughter
I am with God, She is one with the God
Affectionate, Smooth, Tender, She who is of tender nature
Beautiful eyes that induce magnetism, One with expressive eyes, Completely happy and contented.