Light of the eye, The head of a tribe or clan.
Revelation of the divine light, Revelation of the Divine Light, Revelation of the Sacred Radiance
Having the highest peace, Having the Highest Peace, Most Peaceful, Ultimately Serene, Absolute Calm
One who always loves the Lord, One who Always Loves the Lord, Adores and worships God always
Full of Modesty, Full of Modesty
Peaceful life
Beauty, Splendor, Brilliance, Fashion, Form, Figure
Holy one full of virtue
Of the Guru
Agree in anything, They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion
Preserver of modesty
Of auspicious Love
One who lives god-oriented life, One who lives God-oriented life, One who is living a life devoted to God
Protector of charm, Protector of Charm, Defender of Charm,
A person full of excellences
Lords respect
God has shown his kindness towards me.
True guide
Independent lamp, The maning of the name is an Indenpendent Lamp
Hero of the family, The great warrior, Kulbir means The Great Warrior
One aware of elixir of naam
Custom of heart
Novel friend, The new friend, who is always new
Glory of righteousness
King like incarnation of God in heaven, Protector King, Defending and Guarding Ruler, One who fights and protects his Kingdom people
Attaining peace through God
Gods grace, God's Grace, Mercy of God, Kindness and Benevolence of God
Imbued with the Love of Lord, Imbued with the Love of Lord, Ultimate Love of Lord
Victory in the name of God
In service of the original one
A person of brave heart and happy nature
One who drinks the elixir of naam
Lover of compassion
Lord of protection
Gods home, God's Home, Residence of God, Abode of God
Shinning Love
Deliberate truth
Lover of God
Lamps light, Jyotdeep means Lamp's Light
Victorious of the world, Victorious of the World, Conquerer of the world, One who has conquered the World
Delightful and brave, The name means he is full of Delight
Absorbed in lotus feet of God, A lotus that is absorbed in God's Light
Exalted light, An ilustrious light
Glorious victory, One who achieved a devine victory
Imbued with king, Permeated with the king
Warner, Eyes, Something distributed or spread across
One who lives absorbed in naam, Poet, Saint, The creature of his name
Imbued in colour
Brave as the sky; Potential of being a philanthropist, Brave as the sky, Potential of being a philanthropist
The name means full of might or immense strength.
Brave and unwavering, Brave and Unwavering
Kings Love
Light of the God, The highest one, victory of the light
One who wins lords support
a new beginning.
Gods light
Gods beloved
Risen friend
Spear ruler
Lords glory
Sword, Weilder of the sword, The name means Weilder of the Sword
One delighting in peace
Love for desires, One who has love for desire
Glory, Greatness, A person who is great and has big soul and spirit
Virtuous Love
Preserver of the Lord master
Kingdom of gems
Firm Love, Strong affection, firm relationship.
Love for naam, One who loves the lords being
Protector of the eyes, One who do care for the eyes
Greatest gnostic, Greatest Gnostic, Ultimate Understanding, Absolute Enlightment
Absorbed in Eternal one. One living and working with God, Absorbed in Eternal one. One living and working with God
Pure light, Pure Light
Victorious in the World, Victorious in the World
Sandal lamp, Sandalwood light
Love for the helpless, One who loves the helpless, brilliant
Deity incarnate
Light of happiness
A peaceful person, A person who has a very peaceful nature
Gods gift
Jas mean famous, Gun mean quality
Light with the recitation of gods name, It is a Boy name, and means Light with the recitation of the God's name
One who conquers the battlefield of the mind, One who Conquers the Battlefield of the Mind, Victorious in War,
Worlds way, One who has awakened
Embodiment of the world, The essence of the universe
Musical, Music
Only Love for God, The name means Only Love for God
Love of rays, Kiranpeet means The Love of Sunrays
Friend of lotus, The name means Friend of the Lotus
Love of lotus, Kamalprem means Love of Lotus
Golden victory
Love of hundred thousand, Lover of Hundred Thousand
Lamp of exalted light, The exalted and illustrious light of the lamp
Best person, Great human being, Best Person, Great Human Being, Best in mankind,
Warrior of peace, Champion of peace, He is a soldier of peace
Complete knowledge, Complete Knowledge, Wisdom, Brilliance
Love of the world