Love for the gem
Love of the enlightener
One blessed by Guru, Gurkirpal collaborated with two words guru and kirpal. Guru means master or lord and kirpal means blessings. So gurkirpal means blessings of the lord.
Flame of knowledge, A flame of information or knowledge
Love for simplicity
The Ray of gods light, The rays of God's Light
To Stay in Eyes of God
God's grace endures forever.
Glory of God, One who is praised
Lord of victory, He who is the Lord of victory
Happy and victorious, Khushjeer name means Happy Victory
Absorbed in serving others, The one who is absorbed in serving others
Lord of hundred thousand
Lord of wisdom
Most courageous among men
Lord of kings, The lord of the rulers.
One who delights in consciousness, One who has delight in consciousness or alertness
Union with meditation
Enlightened by meditation
Famous victory
Giantek is an Indian male name of Sikh origin. The meaning of the name is Support of Divine Knowledge., Giantek is an Indian male name of Sikh origin. The meaning of the name is Support of Divine Knowledge.
Union with God, Union with God, Blend and Merged with God
Deities of fortune
Beauty of Lord
Love of God
God of bravery
Friendly with master of Yoga, A master of yoga who is friendly, compassionate and kind towards everyone
Lord of the water, Lord of the waters
Victory of Prince, The name means The Prince's Victory
Born with good fortune, Happy, The name means Blessed by the Good fortune on the Birth
Love for the Moon
Absorbed in the light of God, Illuminated Love, An individual cativated in the light of the lapm
Beauteous and brave, He who is brave and beautiful at the same time
Protector of the king
Completely wise
Famous and brave
Famous lamp
Visionary, Visionary
Love for God
Gurus friend
Virtuous enlightener
A lamp
One who attains the gurus shelter, Refuge of the victor, Protected
Friend of the God, Gods Friends
Gods Prince
One who lives god-oriented live, One who lives God-oriented life, One who is living a life devoted to God
Victory of gods light, Victory of God's Light, Triumph of God's Light, Conquest of Divine Flame
Lords support, Lord's Support, Friend or Companion of the Lord,
Gods light
Victory of the Lord
One who loves people, One who Loves People, One who is affectionate and caring towards people
Praise of the glorious protector, Lord Krishna, Guarded by fame, Name of Lord Krishna
Victorious of the pure
God of war
The light of gods grace, Lamp of God's Grace, Brilliance of God's wonder and graciousness,
A lighted lamp, Always there for you
Protector of the strong heart, The protector of the strong hearted people
Strong-willed & self sufficient, An independent, strong-willed man
Merciful and kind, Merciful and kind person
Eternal divine light, An elderly noble person.
Of gods family
Eyes full of light
Songs of God
Ancient sage
One who is blissful through Guru, One who is Blissful Through Guru, One who attains happiness through Guru
Light of God
The lover of Love of God
Lords blissful songs
Absorbed in adoration, One who is absorbed in adoration
Winner of the world, The conqueror of everything
Complete Love, Complete Love, Perfect and kind Love
Love of lotus, The name means Love of Lotus
Hero of the family, The great warrior, The name means Family of God and Heaven
Ray of light, The name means Light of the Sunbeam
Master, His excellency
Full of glories
Perfect Love, Complete Love, Complete Love, Perfect and kind Love
The one who is in bliss and peace, A man who is blissful and peaceful
Love of God, Love of God
Gods Given Beauty
Singing truth
Light of wealth
Victory of knowledge, Gianjeet is a male name of Indian origin. It means Vicotry of Knowledge.
Dominion of majesty
Devotee who sings gods praises, Devotee who Sings God's Praises, A Worshipper who adores God with his songs
Glorious union with God, Jusmail means Glorious union with God
Brave in the battlefield, Brave in the Battlefield, Courageous and Mighty Warrior in War
One who preaches and counsels, Sermon
Peaceful through gods grace
King of the universe, Lord of the world or the creation, The Lord provider of the world, Lord of everything there is
Victory with lords elixir, One who delights in the elixir of virtues
Having the highest peace, Having the Highest Peace, Most Peaceful, Ultimately Serene, Absolute Calm
Protector of the charming, The ruler of the city, the sovereign of the kingdom.
New Love, The fresh affection or love
The ever fresh life, The diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight. Falcon.
Love for modesty, The Angel who carries messages of God