God's vision, God's vision
Complete victory, One who is a complete victor
Preserver of Guru, Guriderpal means the person who is preserver of Guru.
Delightful association with holy one
Love of divinity
Famous name
Love of life, Love of Life, One who loves to live and Exist, Affectionate towards life
The victory of Love, Loard of uganda, The big victory of love
One who resides in light, One who resides in the light, They love, care and help other. They are of the generous personalities.
Lamp of art, Kaladeeph means a Lamp of Art
My, Mine, My girl, she who belongs to me
Brilliant friend
Noble victory, Table. one of the furniture.
Noble light
Love for humbleness
One who loves the light within, One who Loves the Light Within, Deep, Inner Love, One who loves the soul within
Immaculate protector
Songs of war
Love for gods door, Love at God's door
True Love
Sat (God) light
One who swings a sword, One who swings a sword
Protector of Guru, Gurharpal collaborated with two words guru and harpal. Guru means master or lord and harpal means in protector. So gurharpal means the person who protector of guru.
Garden of the enlightener
Peaceful through remembering God
Most compassionate one, Most Compassionate One, One who has highest level of kindness, Ultimately Benevolent
it means cheerful or joyful. People with this name are charmful, youthful and natural in personality.they are truthful and easily captivate others.
Victorious, Happy brave, A happy and brave victor
Protector of three worlds
people with this name are jubilant and are youthful. They focus on their physical appearance and easily forgive others.
Famous, Renowned person, Bright
One who remembers God
Hero of the family, The great warrior, Kulvir means Family's Hero
The name means With Musical Rhytm
Intoxicated with the elixir of God, The guy who always have fun, One who is intoxicated with the God's elixire
Exalted devotee, An idividual who is exalted and devoted to God
Ceaselessly remembers the Lord, One who remembers the Lord
Imperceptible, Invisible God
Love for remembrance of God
Love for the lords elixir, Drinking the elixir of courage
A godly person, A godly and interesting person
Rules an Estate, Rules an Estate
A soldier who protects, A soldier who protects
Remaining in the company of God, Remaining in the Company of God, Friend of God,In God's presence
Glow of the Lord, Glow of the Lord, Radiance and Brightness of the Lord
The embodiment of gods support, Personification of God's support
Jeff's ford, Jeff's ford
Glory of God
Glory with the union of God, Beautiful one
Glory of Love
One who loves the Lord, One who is in love of the god
Embodiment of rays
One who is beutiful gift to the world, One who is beutiful gift to the world
Victory of good company
A lamp of light, One of the four most powerful Angels, Michael in English
Knowing the truth of spirit, Knowing the Truth of Spirit
Victory of the Pure, Victory of the Pure
Love for Forest, Love for Forest
Intelligent and brave, A wise, strong and handsome being
Light of mercy, One who emits light of mercy
So much absorbed
Lamp of victory, A victory's lamp
Protected by God
Lamp of divine knowledge, Lamp of divine knowlegde
Gift of he enlightener, They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.
God, God, Supreme Being, Creator and Ruler of Universe,
Love for charm, Love for Charm, One who likes to be charmable
Gods warrior, Strength of Lord Indra, Lord of bravery
Ray of gods light
Attain union with God, Attain union with God, Attain salvation, One who is one with God
The white colored girl
An ancestor, An ancestor
Embodiment of happiness and peace, The name means Embodiment of Peacefulness
A person whose consciousness is awakened, A person whose consciousness is awakened
Friend of hundred thousand, Friend of Hundred Thousand
Lakh-w-inder-meaning is the Man who has defeated lakhs of inders Indian Lord Indra)
Mind of voice, One who listens to the voice of mind
Heroic protector, Protector of the brave
Revelation of the victory, Revelation of the Victory, Success or Triumph
Immovable, Firm
Pleasant, The Moon
Forever in peace and delight
Forster of modesty, Forester Of Modesty
Happy, Happy
Supporter of the helpless, One who supports the needy and helpless
One appearance, One beauteous form, The one who is beautiful, one appearance
Dwell, Reside
Light of gods heart, Light of God's Heart, Brightness and Radiance of God's Heart
Loving each
Friend of God
Light of the world, The light that exists on the World
Full of peace and happiness, The name means He is Filled with Happiness and Peace
The vessel of purity and righteousness of the spiritual family, Of a good family, A credit to the entire family, Kulwant means The Vessel of Purity and Righteousness of the Sprirtual Family
Merciful king, A merciful king
Beloved cherisher, Protector, Protector of Earth, Defender of Earth, Guardian of the World